As Iowa goes, Does so go the Nation???

Posted: August 14th, 2011 | Filed under: Politics, Ruminations | 1 Comment »

In the initial gauge of the nation’s mindset in advance of next year’s presidential election, approximately 4760 Iowans, a plurality of those participating in a straw poll, have stated Michelle Bachmann’s their woman.

Clear thinking, intelligent citizens of every political persuasion should be concerned, should hope this is not a harbinger.

I am not among those Democratic stalwarts, who desire that Ms. Bachmann nab the GOP nomination, based on the thinking that it would insure an Obama W. I care about my country. I believe it best to have two worthy candidates facing off to see who domiciles in the Oval Office.

Given that Obama’s support, at least for the moment, seems to be diminishing, even among his base, it is more important than ever that the Republican candidate be a man or woman of intelligence, compassion, vision, capable of viewing the nation’s issues from all perspectives. This is no time to elect a don’t-confuse-me-with-the-facts ostrich, a soccer parent who can field dress a moose or a religious zealot.

I am certainly not a social conservative, and I believe that federal government spending wisely done and within means is imperative for keeping the country’s economy afloat. But, were I of the elephant ilk, I would be very scared of a Michelle Bachmann candidacy — among others — and what it means about the state of the republic.

Now is the time for clarity and compromise. Not knee jerk polemics, based on whisper counsel of big money lobbyists and the diffuse philosophy of “we want our country back.”

Only time will tell if the 28,000 of voted yesterday in America’s Heartland accurately reflect the pulse beat of America.

I know this. It’s an event not to be ignored.


One Comment on “As Iowa goes, Does so go the Nation???”

  1. 1 Wildcat said at 4:01 pm on August 14th, 2011:

    It will be very hard, if not impossible, for me to be civil to those people who support a candidate whose husband has called a member of my family and many of my friends “barbarians.” I believe that she and her ilk are truly evil and I am reminded of Sinclair Lewis’ forgotten novel regarding the rise of American fascism, “It Can’t happen Here.” Oh yes, it can.

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