Mysterious Convoy Spotted in Fairdale

Posted: August 10th, 2011 | Filed under: Culture, Politics, Ruminations | No Comments »

I found myself in Fairdale the other day. (Okay, if you must ask a Highlands guy what he’s doing out there, know that the office of my dentist of long standing is right down the street from Fairdale HS.)

Coming off the ramp of the Gene Snyder onto National Turnpike, I saw a site I’ve never seen before in my town.

A convoy of sorts.

Three big military transport vehicles. Given their general dilapidated condition and the oil fumes they were spewing, I suspect Vietnam era issue.

They were ragged, but obviously a source of pride to those involved in . . . whatever. On one was a logo, reading “Ace of Spades.” On another, over a fire-breathing razorback, the moniker, “Wild Thing.” The third was designated, “Proud American.”

Trailing was an ancient Jeep, military issue also, designated “Wolfman.”

On the back of one of the trucks, somewhat explanatory, was a flapping sign reading, “We Support Vietnam Veterans.”

Riding in the bed of each of the trucks, like a ragtag guerilla outfit of some sort, were several guys, adults and young teens.

Mounted in each of the trucks were several machine guns.

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