Open Letter to Mitch McConnell: Today is your Day to Shine

Posted: July 29th, 2011 | Filed under: Culture, Personalities, Politics, Ruminations | 1 Comment »

Dear Mitch,

I know we don’t talk much anymore. Okay, we’ve never spoken before, but I did try to reach you via email the other day. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one. Your web site was down, I assume, from so much traffic of all those wanting your ear on the debt ceiling smackdown.

Anyway, we live in the same town, essentially the same neighborhood. I almost built a house several years back right up the hill from your condo. But still live within a jog just a couple neighborhoods over in the Highlands.

We root for the same team, Mitch. I’m talking about the U of L Cardinals we both love so much.

The Cardinal hoopsters haven’t done so well when it mattered the last couple of seasons, in the NCAA tourney. We’re both looking for big things from Rick Pitino and his charges this coming season, maybe even One Shining Moment.

That’s months away.

But your chance for a career defining One Shining Moment is right here and right now.

As I write this early Friday afternoon, it’s looking like your fellow Republicans in the House will pass some sort of debt ceiling continuance/ budget slashing/ balanced budget bill that hasn’t a shot at becoming law. It contains provisions you don’t agree with, that many of your fellow Republican members of the House and Senate don’t agree with, and that the vast majority of Democrats don’t agree with.

So my hope is that you — at this historically critical moment of your long career in governance — will opt to be the statesman you’ve always desired to be. That you will choose a path which will have future historians speaking of you as they have spoken of your predecessor, Henry Clay.

Mitch McConnell’s: The 21st Century’s Great Compromiser.

Has a nice ring to it, eh?

Some time later today, the ball’s going to be in your court. (To continue the basketball metaphor.) If Boehner’s bill does squeak through the House by a margin slim as a dry tea bag, you will have a choice. Actually, you’ll have a choice, even if it doesn’t pass.

Will you continue to bray against the Donkeys at every moment?

Or, will you carpe diem this incredible opportunity to be viewed as one of the great senators ever, one who put aside partisanship at a critical moment for the republic, who reached his hand across the aisle and brokered a resolution for the good of America?

I’ll be honest, Mitch, I haven’t had many kind words for you in the past. We have different outlooks about matters governmental. Yet, I promise this, if you do the right thing today and this weekend, I’ll never speak ill of you again. I know that isn’t much, but it’s all I’ve got.

Make Kentucky proud. Make the U.S. of A. proud.

Make me want to seek you out next April across the expanse of the Superdome to shake your hand, when we’re there to cheer our Cards in the Final Four.


Your Constituent, c d kaplan

One Comment on “Open Letter to Mitch McConnell: Today is your Day to Shine”

  1. 1 Pasini said at 11:13 pm on October 23rd, 2015:

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