In Seach of Comity not Calamitous Comedy

Posted: July 17th, 2011 | Filed under: Politics | No Comments »

In my mind’s eye, I have this visual of how, in less contentious times,  deals used to get done in Congress.

At the end of a day of wrangling over the budget, or another piece of significant legislation, or trying to mesh differing bills passed in the Senate and House, the call would come.

“Everett, Lyndon here. Sam’s in my office now. I pulled out a bottle of Jack, and thought you might come on over and share a shot with us?”

Thus Everett Dirksen (Rep. Illinois) would join Lyndon Johnson (Dem. Texas) and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (Dem. Texas) for a tipple or two after hours.

They’d schmooze. Share a few off color jokes. Tell tales about some naive freshman congressman from Florida. Consider the physical attributes of the secretary of John Sherman Cooper (Rep. Kentucky). Invite that statesman from the Bluegrass to join them if necessary for additional wise counsel.

They’d each state their case. They’d share what they needed to satisfy their constituents. They’d keep in mind what the nation needed first, while not forgetting to position their party favorably . . . second.

They’d get the deal done.

That’s a Washington of long ago, far away.

It’s obvious the specters of LBJ and Dirksen and Cooper have been ghostbusted. They no longer lurk in the hallways of Congress.

What a shame.

You know when Mitch McConnell appears almost statesmenlike the country is in trouble.

It is an age when the blather of  Michele Bachmann is considered newsworthy. When the incomprehensibly egocentric intransigence of Eric Cantor holds sway. When we’re more concerned with the fate of Casey Anthony and the NFL lockout than the economic devastation that will befall the republic should a debt limit compromise be reached.

I’m not sure how or why some in Congress consider benefits to obscenely profitable megacorporations are sacrosanct, but help for the downtrodden and aged are not. But, frankly, I do not have the answer to how the deal needs to be done.

I do know however that it must come about.

That the polemicists need to zip it. That it is time for a Grand Compromise that will best serve the health of the entire nation state.

Let sanity prevail. Then get together and throw one back for Everett and Lyndon.

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