Musing On An Autumn Afternoon
Posted: October 20th, 2010 | Filed under: Community, Culture, Music, Politics, Ruminations | 1 Comment »It is indeed one of life’s great pleasures. Walking my new rescue dog — saved from the killing floor — on a gorgeous fall day like today. And, hey, every once in awhile, Ms. Abbey does what I ask.
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I’ve got to wonder who is the doofus consultant for Jack Conway, who has advised the Senate candidate to keep harping on one of his opponent’s college pranks?
Gimme a break.
Who, fortunate enough to attend university, didn’t participate in some ridiculous endeavors?
With all the truly legitimate flaws in candidate Paul’s agenda, Jack, give up this Aqua Baby or Aqua Buddha or whatever it’s called thing. It’s absurd. A non-issue signifying absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Election day can’t come soon enough.
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So it appears that the new power broker in town is flexing its muscles.
It’s being reported that Rick Pitino isn’t going to be doing the Rick Pitino Show anymore. Because, he or his bosses in the U of L athletic department or both he and his bosses didn’t like WHAS’ coverage of this summer’s Karen Sypher trial. Though, to be fair, Pitino denies that’s the reason.
And Terry Meiners, former Big Blue Booster, who grabbed onto Rick Pitino’s lengthy U of L coattails when the latter joined the Cardinal Nation, becoming a red & black darling, is now persona non grata. Seems Meiners, who has never been reluctant to vent his spleen, upset the school’s powers that be by asking pointed questions about the university’s $$$ über alles policies. Which school policies, as Meiners pointed out, in essence totally discounted fan loyalty when parceling out basketball tickets in the new arena, in favor of corporate sponsors, those same school administrators and any other nouveau riche who could jump the line simply by writing a check.
For sure, Meiners is no angel, and, had he gotten the tickets he wanted, he might have not been so impudent. But, I’ll sure give the radio personality his props for calling out the school. U of L has turned its back on the fans who have been there for decades. It’s not a pretty sight. I’ve talked with scores of fellow fans about this money grab, many of whom say they’ll reevaluate the situation after the season. One wag’s prediction is there will be plenty of one and dones.
A common line: “Buying a new HDTV is a lot cheaper. And I won’t have to worry about parking.”
As for the Pitino Show, my suggestion is they hire The Insult Dog to replace the coach.
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I simply don’t understand why so many are so disappointed with Barack Obama?
Sure, the Palin acolytes, the Tea Bag Bunch, the Newts, the Cheneymeisters, you know, the crowd that swears by the propaganda that is Fox News. But free thinkers, former supporters, Dems just short of yellow dog status, it doesn’t make sense.
The guy was dealt an awful hand. Mitch McConnell is the paradigm of an obstructionist anti-statesman. The blogoscenti don’t let you breathe without finding fault.
And that’s not to even enumerate all the truly heinous problems left over by the W gang, most of all of which require patience and cooperation from the loyal opposition to resolve.
Now that the Supreme Court has put its imprimatur on free campaign spending by any entity who wants to spend the dough, combined with the guys in the lobby with cash falling out their pockets, big money is going to control the destiny of government.
That doesn’t bode well for grass roots movements.
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Just bought the Witmark Demos album by Bob Dylan. All early stuff of him and guitar or piano. It’s a grand reminder why so many of us loved him so much. And why he’s been called by some — my hand is raised — the greatest poet in the English language since Shakespeare.
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Martha Mitchell lives.
Clarence Thomas’ obviously addled wife Ginni called Anita Hill on the phone and said it’s not too late for Hill to apologize to her hubby and her.
go chuck go!