Kentucky Dirt, Kagan, Cicadas & The Wire

Posted: August 6th, 2010 | Filed under: Community, Music, Politics, Ruminations | 3 Comments »

Now that the trial of you know who concerning her “relationship” with you know who is yesterday’s spam, let’s consider a few other things, shall we?

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While we weren’t paying attention, and after much ado about political posturing, Elena Kagan was confirmed as Supreme Court justice.

Just as she should have been.

Just as we always knew she would be.

Of course, since ’87, there’s the borking process that must play out.

Robert Bork was a GOP nominee for the Court. He had been the hatchet man that fired Watergate independent prosecutor Archibald Cox during the Nixon administration in what’s been dubbed the “Saturday Night Massacre.” So, if only for that, the donkeys hated Bork, a bright and qualified jurist, albeit very conservative.

Besides Bork had that scraggly beard that was off-putting and made him look like some Colonial era Puritan preacher. Then there was his imperious manner.

Anyway the Dems were able to foil his nomination. The process has been repugnantly political ever since.

You may not like the politics of Scalia or Roberts or Ginsburg or Kagan, but they’re all qualified. And the country would be a lot better off if the Senate stopped looking at nominee’s politics and just at their qualifications.

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Is it my imagination, or are there cicadas every summer now? Not just every 17 years the way Mother Nature planned the cycle.

What happened?

Well, maybe it is nature’s way.

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What’s up with this Kentucky dirt that’s been hauled to Indiana by the appropriately named Kentuckiana Trucking Company?

It seems there are a few petroleumish contaminants in the soil from the new arena site. And the trucking company dumped it where it wasn’t supposed to. Frankly, I’m shocked, shocked I tell you that such illegalities occur.

Wonder if they considered hauling it down to the Gulf, to maybe soak up some of that sludge? Or, Mega Caverns, where’s there is plenty of room and they invite new fill?

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Why is Charles Moore still on the Louisville police force?

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Speaking of governmental shenanigans and police department inefficiency, the Film Babe and I are halfway through Season #3 of our annual marathon viewing of the entirety of “The Wire.” Two and a half seasons down, two and a half to go.

Which we’ll do in, oh, the next ten days or so. Those of you familiar with the old HBO series understand why it’s so compelling. A couple episodes a night are the minimum. One night last summer, we watched five. Not that we’re obsessed or anything.

Those of you who’ve never watched it, tsk, tsk.

One guy’s opinion: It’s the best dramatic series in the history of television. Period. It is Godfather quality. Yes, yes, it is.

3 Comments on “Kentucky Dirt, Kagan, Cicadas & The Wire”

  1. 1 Geoff said at 4:38 pm on August 6th, 2010:

    My wife and I watched finally watched it (The Wire) in its entirety a year ago, and we’re waiting another year to watch it again. It’s still pretty fresh on my mind, and I hope to be surprised a little when I re-watch it. Do you watch Breaking Bad?

  2. 2 Geoff said at 5:16 pm on August 6th, 2010:

    We haven’t watched it yet either, we just recently started Friday Night Lights. Breaking Bad is next on our list too.

  3. 3 Mark said at 11:40 pm on October 23rd, 2015:

    ஜ ர ம ப ந ள உங கள க க ண ம . ந ங க அர ள க க spokes perosn இல ல ய .ந ங கள ம சர அர ள ப ற றவர கள ம சர ப த ப பட ய வ க ற றச ச ட ட வ த த க ண ட இர க க ற ர கள . ஒர ந ரட ய க ள வ உங கள சம கத த ந க க அல ல மல உங கள ந க க ந ய யம க வ த த ல க ண மல ப ய வ ட க ற ர கள . அல லத அத தவ ர த த ஏத த ச ல ல க க ண ட இர க க ற ர கள .இத ல இர ந த உங கள ந க கம த ள வ க வ ளங க க றத .சம கம ச ர ந த ப த பட ய ன ஒத த க க ள ளல மற த தல எத ய ம ந ன ச ய வத ல ல . அதன ல உங கள க ள வ க க என பத ல எனக க வன ம ற எந த ர பத த ல ம ஏற ப ட யதல ல. அந த வக ய ல இங க சம கம ச ர ந த ப த ப பட ய ன க ழ ப ணர ச ச க கர த த க கள ய ம ந ன வன ம ற ய கவ ப ர க க ற ன . இந த இந த த வ , ப ர ப பனர , த ர வ ட வ மர சனங கள வ ட த த ந ங கள தன மன தன க உங கள ப ற ப ப கள ல எத ய வத ந ங கள வ த ட ம மக கள க க க ச ய வத ன ல ஒன ற ய வத ச ல ல ங கள .

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